What do you people think of removing `python_awsla...
# development
What do you people think of removing
from our example Python repository? Imo that repo has gotten too complex, and this feature isn't relevant to most people. I'm also thinking we should get rid of Protobuf there?
@busy-vase-39202 I'm very interested what you think about the tradeoff of showing off more features vs. getting too complex
My vote is always for fastest, simplest adoption path. The quicker they can go from curious to successful, the better. Maybe have an
for folks to circle back and explore the deep end of the pool once they're satisfied with how initial adoption has gone for them?
Imo, the example repo really exists so that you can quickly get a feel for how something works with Pants so that you can then decide
Yes, this is worth spending a few minutes trying to create my own proof-of-concept, or hooking up to part of my repo
It's easy enough now to try out advanced features like AWS Lambdas and Protobuf, especially thanks to
and dep inference. I don't think we need example repos for those features. You can skim the docs then try it in your own repo or own proof of concept
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This was not the case when we first added these two advanced features to Pants 2.0!
did not exist, Protobuf didn't have dep inference, and
had really awkward modeling for the
Yeah. Get people in and out of the example repo quick: "That was it! Tada, it's that easy to get started using this today! So do! P.S. here are links to some neat features you'll want to explore in the future."
@busy-vase-39202 a related question: is it too noisy how https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.8/docs/example-repos lists all the things the repo demos? Should it just be how I did the Golang example?
not having protobuf in example-python would technically help us pass remote-apis-testing since python protobuf is currently still broken for buildfarm due to https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/13170
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(since we use example-python as the code base for the pants client part of remote-apis-testing)
(but of course “technically” since it doesn’t fix the regression in that issue)
@hundreds-father-404 possibly, but not tragically. Leave it for now. If you can list it somewhere as a future todo in your audit notes, please do.
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I could not use that repo as a template because of the aws and protobuf stuff. ie do you want the repo to be a reusable template? or a fully baked example?
Interesting feedback, thank you Jacob! More of a reusable template
Good insight. Thanks @proud-dentist-22844. Yeah, I'd prefer that it help newcomers get going fast. So if they can bootstrap off it, template or not, that's got more appeal than a fully baked example that leaves an overwhelming initial impression. Fully baked would be more useful at the second-impression stage.
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Yeah I realize now it gives the wrong impression
That's cool Pants supports so many things. But I have a pretty simple repo for now, so...pass.
Oh cool, that's pretty easy to set up and nifty for what I have now. Oh look, the docs also mention there's these other things if I need them in a year
Yep. The earlier they adopt Pants, the sooner they gain the big wins of being able to scale fast. So getting them situated is the priority. Then help them go deeper into what else Pants can do for them.
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