`[GLOBAL].stats` logging reports a bunch of 0s on ...
# development
logging reports a bunch of 0s on fully-cached re-run of test. Is this expected?
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joshuacannon@CEPHANDRIUS:~/work/techlabs$ ./pants test tools/codeowners/gen_codeowners_test.py:tests
09:49:21.50 [INFO] Completed: Run Pytest - tools/codeowners/gen_codeowners_test.py:tests succeeded.

āœ“ tools/codeowners/gen_codeowners_test.py:tests succeeded.
09:49:21.50 [INFO] Counters:
  local_cache_read_errors: 0
  local_cache_requests: 0
  local_cache_requests_cached: 0
  local_cache_requests_uncached: 0
  local_cache_total_time_saved_ms: 0
  local_cache_write_errors: 0
  local_execution_requests: 0
  local_process_total_time_run_ms: 0
  remote_cache_read_errors: 0
  remote_cache_requests: 0
  remote_cache_requests_cached: 0
  remote_cache_requests_uncached: 0
  remote_cache_speculation_local_completed_first: 0
  remote_cache_speculation_remote_completed_first: 0
  remote_cache_total_time_saved_ms: 0
  remote_cache_write_attempts: 0
  remote_cache_write_errors: 0
  remote_cache_write_successes: 0
  remote_execution_errors: 0
  remote_execution_requests: 0
  remote_execution_rpc_errors: 0
  remote_execution_rpc_execute: 0
  remote_execution_rpc_retries: 0
  remote_execution_rpc_wait_execution: 0
  remote_execution_success: 0
  remote_execution_timeouts: 0
  remote_process_total_time_run_ms: 0
  remote_store_blob_bytes_downloaded: 0
  remote_store_blob_bytes_uploaded: 0
  remote_store_missing_digest: 0
Yeah because of Pantsd's memoization. The LMDB store is skipped entirely because it can be fetched from memory
Ah I see. Makes sense šŸ™‚
Running with
./pants --no-pantsd
I see:
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local_cache_requests_uncached: 9
Is there a good way to drill down into this?
Interesting, hm. Is that consistent? Probably using -ldebug to see what those processes are
Oh, what it probably is is finding binaries like Bash and python on your machine. We intentionally do not cache those to disk and only memoize with Pantsd to reduce the risk of trying to use a now invalid binary if you for example removed it from your machine or upgraded it
šŸ™Œ 1
I see, thanks!!
and seeing those uncached processes on every run was fixed in the most recent release candidates of 2.8.x and 2.7.x: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C18RRR4JK/p1636606037010500
šŸ‘ 2