Once every few runs I’m hitting `Resolving require...
# development
Once every few runs I’m hitting
Resolving requirements.txt
, we realized that it’s because I’m running the code from inside a virtualenv and outside the virtualenv. I think it would be very useful to know that I switched context explicitly. I thought of something like
New env - disgest =
to mark this.
Can you clarify what you mean by "inside a virtualenv" and "outside a virtualenv"? E.g., how you're running Pants etc?
my guess is that he means that a different interpreter is being selected: the venv interpreter probably
it can be useful across an org to pin down which interpreter is being used to only
, for example: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/python-interpreter-compatibility#changing-the-interpreter-search-path
To clarify, an activated venv (inside) mutates the PATH and most Pants setups use
to find interpreters.