Soooo under macOS, in a directory you have full pe...
# development
Soooo under macOS, in a directory you have full perms in, you can't re-name a directory with 555 perms. You can re-name a file with 444 perms. Did anyone know about this? In Linux you can rename both, which is what I'd expect.
Seems like a crazy bug. Buit that is so basic to being a Posixy beast that clearly its not?
Hm I'm able to set it on my machine
Copy code
❯ chmod 555 test
❯ exa --octal-permissions --only-dirs --long .
0555 dr-xr-xr-x - ericarellano  7 Jan 12:57 test
@hundreds-father-404: he means that after having set it 555, you can’t rename the directory
👍 1
…which i agree is weird. because that should be a matter of the parent directory’s permissions
I ❤️ macOS