<@U0N6C2Q9F> re Go version handling:
# development
@fast-nail-55400 re Go version handling:
1. I think it would be cool if we do indeed go back to downloading Go for you. Although, until we have Pants generating the lockfile for you, I am a bit hesitant because it increases the risk of the user using a different version of Go when running
go mod download all && go mod tidy
. We also need to figure out how to model it, I think in the past we said you shoudl be able to either have Pants download or use from machine 2. In the meantime, how about changing
to be the minimum expected version. If you have Go 1.18, that should work with 1.17 thanks to backwards compat. It's too brittle rn.
re 1: I’m fine with that. That would point to a
or other goal to do the resolution for you. We are actually in a position now to check wether go.sum entries are missing for a module. And we could do something similar to Bazel gazelle to run
go mod download
to fill in missing go.sum entires (during a
run only).
re (2): The semantic would align
with how the
directive in
👍 1
directive indicates that a module was written assuming the semantics of a given version of Go.” https://go.dev/ref/mod#go-mod-file-go
K, I'll start with 2 because 1 is more involved. For 2, I was thinking we might want to rename the option to something like
, but imo we shouldn't rename until we figure out:
We also need to figure out how to model it, I think in the past we said you shoudl be able to either have Pants download or use from machine