<@U02TSJJT9DJ>: if you have time to add any docs f...
# development
@wide-midnight-78598: if you have time to add any docs for the new pyoxidizer support, it would be appreciated: if not, that’s fine too. maybe to one or all of: • https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/python-package-goalhttps://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/pyoxidizer
(in the 2.10 docsite, to be clear)
@witty-crayon-22786 I already started https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/pyoxidizer. It would be added there
oh. whoops… there is already some stuff added for 2.10. let me revise that a bit.
thanks @hundreds-father-404: edited those links
I can probably help cobble something together from the PR, the blog post, and the help. Also, I noticed there was no pyoxidizer_binary target next to this: https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/reference-pex_binary Is that auto-generated from the "help" command?
I set up a basic template for the page, mostly by copying AWS Lambda and Google Cloud docs hah. https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/pyoxidizer @wide-midnight-78598 contributions are definitely welcome if you have the time, including if it's for only 1-2 sections. I can help to fill in the rest too 🙂
Well, that's unfortunate. I spent about 20 minutes updating documentation with some examples, accidentally closed the window - and I lost everything due to no auto-save. 🤦 I'll try to come back this weekend and backfill what I did. A lot of it was honestly pulled from the pants blog post I made
😢 1
Oof I've done that. Totally valid to pull from the blog, the blog is excellent! Thank you
Okay, just pushed some updates - still a few parts I left aside that I didn't necessarily know how to explain (e.g. output_path) Also,
- this almost feels like it should just reference straight to the PyOxidizer docs (https://pyoxidizer.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pyoxidizer_packaging_additional_files.html) because there aren't many 1-2 paragraphs that could replace that giant explanation
❤️ 1
Thank you @wide-midnight-78598 for adding to these docs! All done. @witty-crayon-22786 or @happy-kitchen-89482 (or others), can you please give a review of https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/pyoxidizer?
👍 1
Yep, looking
Eric, you've merged these?
So I should edit directly in the docs?
I added a tiny nitpicky edit, but this looks great to me!!
Yeah, I merged. Thanks! I'll move to 2.11 too