Hmm, 2.11.0rc1 isn't letting me use the protobuf c...
# development
Hmm, 2.11.0rc1 isn't letting me use the protobuf codegen for Go. I get
No module named 'pants.backend.experimental.codegen.protobuf.go'
. Is it because it's missing from here perhaps?
yeah that would be it. I must not have added it to the init/BUILD in the PR that purported to provide that backend. not the first time I left something out of init/BUILD. 🤦
👍 2
I’ll back-port to 2.11.x branch as well. Even without a 2.11.x release, you will be able to consume it via the
mechanism in the
i am still finding it necessary to generate the *.pb.go files in advance otherwise pants will fail What am I missing?
after deleting the *.pb.go files locally, I get this:
Copy code
PANTS_SHA=529979dc04fca1f5aea1ea0cb23ab514f11abe32 ./pants package ::
14:30:56.75 [WARN] Unmatched globs from pkg/model:model0's `sources` field: ["pkg/model/*.go", "pkg/model/*.s"]

Do the file(s) exist? If so, check if the file(s) are in your `.gitignore` or the global `pants_ignore` option, which may result in Pants not being able to see the file(s) even though they exist on disk. Refer to <>.
14:30:56.75 [ERROR] Completed: Set up Go compilation request - <|> failed (exit code 1).
failed to read directory pkg/model: open pkg/model: no such file or directory

14:30:56.75 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  Exception: Failed to determine metadata to compile main:
failed to read directory pkg/model: open pkg/model: no such file or directory
143056.75 [WARN] Unmatched globs from pkg/model:model0's
field: [“pkg/model/*.go”, “pkg/model/*.s”]
Did you remove the corresponding
Copy code
PANTS_SHA=529979dc04fca1f5aea1ea0cb23ab514f11abe32 ./pants package ::
17:27:54.39 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
17:27:54.45 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
17:27:56.67 [ERROR] Completed: Compile with Go - main failed (exit code 1).
./cmd/client/main.go:9:5: could not import <|> (open : no such file or directory)

17:27:56.67 [ERROR] Completed: Compile with Go - main failed (exit code 1).
./cmd/server/main.go:10:5: could not import <|> (open : no such file or directory)

17:27:56.67 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  Exception: Failed to compile main:
./cmd/client/main.go:9:5: could not import <|> (open : no such file or directory)
i removed it, still the same
can you share your BUILD files for the cmd/client and pkg/model directories? and also what the files are (if you can’t share names, then just number *.go and other file extensions)
(The context being to try and produce a minimal reproduction of the issue.)
if you clone that repo, then run the following command at the root proj dir:
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PANTS_SHA=529979dc04fca1f5aea1ea0cb23ab514f11abe32 ./pants package ::
It will produce that output
option go_package = "pkg/model";
— make that be the full import path, so
option go_package = "<|>";
gets further:
Copy code
22:02:05.20 [ERROR] Completed: Compile with Go - main failed (exit code 1).
./cmd/client/main.go:31:10: undefined: model.NewGreeterClient

22:02:05.20 [ERROR] Completed: Compile with Go - main failed (exit code 1).
./cmd/server/main.go:20:5: undefined: model.UnimplementedGreeterServer
./cmd/server/main.go:36:5: undefined: model.RegisterGreeterServer

22:02:05.20 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  Exception: Failed to compile main:
./cmd/client/main.go:31:10: undefined: model.NewGreeterClient
🙌 1
thanks for the help! it worked
do you know whether
option go_package = "pkg/model"
should have worked as written? i.e., does
prepend the import path from the go.mod at all?
(not that
knows anything about go.mod’s)
yes it works as written. if you run
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protoc --go_out=./ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_out=./ --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
then the go build command:
go build cmd/client/main.go -o client
the go_package is more of a hint to protoc, but i do not think it is required
(ignore that, it’s required)
Finally giving this feature a new try in a repo with Go and Python code. When Go code references a generated protobuf in the wrong location from what the
option go_package
specifies I get the following error (as expected) when running `./pants run path/to/:bin`:
Copy code
Exception: Failed to compile main:
./path/to/file.go:3:16: could not import <|> (open : no such file or directory)
When I fix this path however to what's in
option go_package
, I get this interesting error when running `./pants run path/to/:bin`:
Copy code
KeyError: 'The target `python_requirement(address="vendor#grpcio", dependencies=(\'vendor/requirements.txt\',), description=None, modules=(\'grpc\',), requirements=(<pants.backend.python.pip_requirement.PipRequirement object at 0x105877d30>,), resolve=None, tags=None, type_stub_modules=None)` does not have a field `ProtobufSourceField`. Before calling `my_tgt[ProtobufSourceField]`, call `my_tgt.has_field(ProtobufSourceField)` to filter out any irrelevant Targets or call `my_tgt.get(ProtobufSourceField)` to use the default Field value.'
./pants export-codegen
does work, so seems like the Go dependency inference is the cause of it rather than the code generation itself. Any way to further debug this?
what is
option go_package
set to? full import path?
also can you run with
so we can see what code is triggered that KeyError
option go_package
is full import, yes. It's the exact path the .proto-files are in, but with the repository's URL prepended.
Copy code
Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.backend.go.goals.run_binary.create_go_binary_run_request (golang/cmd/planner:bin)
  in pants.backend.go.goals.package_binary.package_go_binary (golang/cmd/planner:bin)
  in pants.backend.go.util_rules.build_pkg.required_built_go_package (golang/cmd/planner:planner)
  in pants.backend.go.util_rules.build_pkg.build_go_package (golang/cmd/planner:planner)
  in pants.backend.go.util_rules.build_pkg_target.required_build_go_package_request (golang/cmd/planner:planner)
  in pants.backend.go.util_rules.build_pkg_target.setup_build_go_package_target_request (golang/cmd/planner:planner)
  in pants.backend.go.util_rules.build_pkg_target.setup_build_go_package_target_request (path/to/some/protobuf/file.proto)
  in pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.go.rules.setup_build_go_package_request_for_protobuf
  in pants.backend.codegen.protobuf.go.rules.setup_full_package_build_request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/engine/internals/", line 705, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = func.send(arg)
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/backend/codegen/protobuf/go/", line 198, in setup_full_package_build_request
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/util/", line 130, in new_init
    prev_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/core/util_rules/", line 42, in __init__
    self.sources_fields = tuple(sources_fields)
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/backend/codegen/protobuf/go/", line 199, in <genexpr>
    sources_fields=(tgt[ProtobufSourceField] for tgt in transitive_targets.closure),
  File "/Users/jyggen/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-arm64/2.11.0rc2_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/engine/", line 483, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(
KeyError: 'The target `python_requirement(address="vendor#grpcio", dependencies=(\'vendor/requirements.txt\',), description=None, modules=(\'grpc\',), requirements=(<pants.backend.python.pip_requirement.PipRequirement object at 0x10f3b3100>,), resolve=None, tags=None, type_stub_modules=None)` does not have a field `ProtobufSourceField`. Before calling `my_tgt[ProtobufSourceField]`, call `my_tgt.has_field(ProtobufSourceField)` to filter out any irrelevant Targets or call `my_tgt.get(ProtobufSourceField)` to use the default Field value.'
do you have a pants checkout to the side of your repository (and a
would be easy to test then
I do have the former at least. Let me give it a try in a little bit, about to head out 🙂
👍 1
there are some examples of
in some of the Pants example repos, e.g.
👍 1
Yep, can confirm that fixes the issue. Thanks! 🙂
Cool. Good to know!