<@U06A03HV1> what is the intention of milestones? ...
# development
@witty-crayon-22786 what is the intention of milestones? I.E.: isn't all work on master before an RC cut clearly going to be done and in the milestone as finished; so what's the point of adding every PR to a milestone? IOW we could just list VERSION.dev0...VERSIONrc0 to find out all pre-1st-cut work.
i marked that one just as a reminder to myself that it will block the release tomorrow
Aha. Ok.
once a stable branch has been cut, they’re used to track cherry-picks and stable-branch specific bugfixes, yea
That part I knew. When I saw someone else edit my PR I thought I missed some new rule.
nope, sorry. minor abuse of the process by me