2.11 release blog draft. feedback welcomed! <https...
# development
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cc @witty-crayon-22786 if we hedge enough re: pex lockfiles
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cc @bitter-ability-32190 on asset inference
cc @narrow-vegetable-37489 on Buf. I will link to docs once I update Python page
cc @fast-nail-55400 on Go codegen`
oh dang it, still TODO to audit perf gains. I think Stu did a lot
oh dang it, still TODO to audit perf gains. I think Stu did a lot
i can kick something off quickly to (re)do that… eta probably around 45 mins.
I will knock it out real quick in the next 10 minutes before I head to lunch. It's only reviewing the 2.11 changelog and summarizing
Then this blog will be ready other than any review feedback y'all have oh and @busy-vase-39202 we need a header photo. Any ideas? We could do a picture of 11 like last time
Should versions in prose text have a
that is
I don't think so, we never anywhere in pants use the V
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How's the one I added to the draft?
Pants 2.11 expands on the lockfile support added in 2.10 by allowing you to use to the new lockfile mechanism from the tool Pex, as an alternative to generating the lockfile with Poetry.
would mention that there’s a blog post pending for this, since people are unlikely to have heard much about it
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cc @witty-crayon-22786 if we hedge enough re: pex lockfiles
the hedge looks great.
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How's the one I added to the draft?
Seems OK. Is that a general picture we can use for pants, or related to a particular development in 2.11?
would mention that there’s a blog post pending for this
I will link to the blog we already have that I want to update before we publicize more. I'm totally comfortable cross-referencing it, only want to refresh it before publicizing more
It came up when I searched Ghost stock images for "parameter".
Oh, I like the idea of parameterization. Although I don't think that image expresses it super well. I think to express it well, it would look more like having a bunch of clones of the same thing but with slight variations
This dependency inference is not fully comprehensive and you may still need to manually declare some dependencies. Although, we are excited that with this foundation, we can continue to improve inference.
would drop the “although” here
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"We are excited about this foundation, and will continue to iterate on it in future versions"?
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A tiny nit about the Buf stuff is that the example contains
✓ buf succeeded.
while the actual output is.
✓ buf-format succeeded.
✓ buf-lint succeeded.
. Besides that it looks good :)
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Good catch!
Several performance enhancements: a) faster and more memory-efficient filesystem operations, b) more memory-efficient internal data structures, and c) less overhead with MyPy and Pylint.
(oh how i wish nested lists worked...)
Okay, how's the substitute pic?
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@hundreds-father-404: yea, looks reasonable.
i like it 🙂 I'm not certain everyone will make the connection to parameterization, but it's a nice picture and springy. Even an extremely explicit picture of cloning would probably be lost on most people
I accidentally disccovered through this search that there are a lot of options for pics of stormtroopers. If you want clones...
hehe i was trying to link to a meme but couldnt get it to load
Hell, our audience is engineers which tends to intersect with the Star Wars community. Maybe we do do pictures of clone troopers hehe? I am in full support
Soon, it will support local file requirements.
maybe: "with local file requirements coming soon"?
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@hundreds-father-404 I swapped in one other image I think you might appreciate... :-)
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thanks a lot Eric: looks good. re: performance: unfortunately, it looks like
ci is too small (and has too many other things changing) to really demonstrate the IO/memory speedups. but i’m thinking that it would be ok to quote the anecdotes from the user that motivated it. let me know when it would be a good time to make an edit.
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For asset inference, we should mention you still need to declare your assets in
I'm all done. need to grab lunch, its 2pm
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Feel free to create a dedicated section on performance! There were a lot of cool improvements
@hundreds-father-404: made a section. done touching it for now.
ping me when you think it’s ready to go: the release is done, but not announced
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OK ready! And the mac wheel is done. Where do we want to publish this on Reddit? I think we've discussed in the past that I'm skeptical of posting on
because this is not super python specific and we already have 2 lockfile posts queued. Maybe
I am not done with the docs. But now that the blog is done that is my new priority for the day. I don't think that needs to block the release
Where do we want to publish this on Reddit? I think we’ve discussed in the past that I’m skeptical of posting on
because this is not super python specific and we already have 2 lockfile posts queued. Maybe
Python users are still our largest userbase, so i don’t think that we should necessarily avoid
. looking at relative traction for https://www.reddit.com/user/pantsbuild would suggest that we always do a bit better in language-specific subreddits than on
Reddit: • on r/Pythonon r/golang
@hundreds-father-404 please post an "I am the author, happy to discuss" type of comment on both reddit posts to help kick things off. Thanks!
done! wish I did yesterday, but better now than never
No worries. 🙂