Hmm, I have a <pypi dependency> that fails to reso...
# development
Hmm, I have a pypi dependency that fails to resolve with
("No matching distribution found") but works fine with
. I'm pretty sure it's because my interpreter constraints wants Python 3.9 and the dependency only publishes wheels for 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 - which I guess results in poetry happily building from source while pex does not? Happy to file a bug if something isn't right there.
PEX will build from source as well, assuming that the target platform is the one that you are running on. filing a bug for this would be appreciated!
👌 1
thanks for the report! we know we will for sure have 2.11.1, and this is very helpful
I have no workaround for you @narrow-vegetable-37489 but I've tried to explain this all in the issue you filed at and filed against the underlying issue in timezonefinder here:
It actually looks like the timezonefinder issue is fixed on master and they just haven't published. A VCS requirement should do the trick @narrow-vegetable-37489.
Cool! Thanks a bunch 🙏