I'm sure this has been discussed a bunch, but is t...
# development
I'm sure this has been discussed a bunch, but is there any way to "speed up" the PR CI testing, or at least, short-circuit some of it? I'm adding a pretty isolated formatting plugin, but the testing is still around 50 minutes for a test failure which didn't show up on my local machine (for some reason, not sure why it passed locally). Is the pants dependency inference good enough that a simple
./pants --changed-since=... test
would be safe for the PR? If not, maybe run that test before running the whole suite? That way, if any of the modified code is breaking, CI will fail fast? And if not, we just fallback to a regular full test suite (with the modified code test results memoized)?
If not, maybe run that test before running the whole suite?
Thats actually how I configured PR CI at our company :)
That's typically what I would do for anything where there is long-running CI, though, that was something I dealt with more earlier in my career - due to slow computers 🙂
Oh that's a good idea!
"If you're gonna fail, fail fast!"
Or as my dad likes to tell me... "You know you're gonna fail, so don't even try" ... ... wait a sec....