who is on release duty today? we need to do 2.11.x...
# development
who is on release duty today? we need to do 2.11.x and 2.12.x rcs as well
Me. I can do those too I'll see how much progress I can make on specs today. would love to get it into the release
a few things still queued for both 2.11.x and 2.12.x: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues?q=label%3Aneeds-cherrypick+is%3Aclosed … i got a few out, and can do some more this evening if that would help. but no urgency presumably
👍 1
yeah I might do first thing Monday. I got specs working a few minutes ago hehe
ah I can wait for the JVM fix too - a test would be good
I ran out of time for a test today... I doubt that this will be the last rc though.
are there other blockers for this?
for the release? I don't think so. Some things still need to be cherry-picked tho. I'll kick those off rn
yea, i’ll do some 2.12.x picks quickly, since there were new ones today. although i think that i need to talk with
about cutting off more picks to 2.12
…or just calling it now, honestly.
@hundreds-father-404: how about you do the 2 picks that you opened from https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues?q=label%3Aneeds-cherrypick+, and i’ll do the other 4
if you can do the JVM ones, I can get the rest
and kick off release prep also before EOD
sure. so 2 for me.
if you have a moment, I'm hoping to include https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15612 in 2.13 release so that we fully support the new specs semantics. nbd if it slips
👀 1
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