Is there any reason folks can think of for why we ...
# development
Is there any reason folks can think of for why we ban
and normal CLI args? What if you want to say
all changed files and also these 3 tests I want to run
👍 1
Pretty sure it's easy for us to lift this restriction 🙂 like 10 line change
When I first read this, I was like "Oh, why would someone ever do that - that feels weird" But then, I grokked it as
is just a shortcut for a list of files to save typing, and then on top I'm just adding a couple more files to the end of a list.... So this made me think "yeah, of course that should work - it would be weird if it didn't" Emotional rollercoaster...
🎢 3
I think the idea of us eagerly erroring right now is we're trying to help the user? I suspect a common issue would be
./pants --changed-since=HEAD test ::
, which means the
is useless... But maybe we fix that via clearer docs, and hoping the user can intuit "wait what, why is it running on so much?" Wdyt?
I've accidentally done
./pants --changed-since=HEAD test ::
before, and the error was helpful - and it took half a second to realize my
habit was in overdrive. However, I think the intuitiveness is more around:
./pants --changed-since=HEAD test
./pants test --changed-since=HEAD
The latter looks and feels like a list as per my rollercoaster, the former looks weird
imo, it would be good to hold onto this restriction until other refactorings of target roots are completed… it would be good to avoid complicating the interplay
👍 1
Okay sounds good. The restriction doesn't block me, only realized how easy it would be to lift it
I think we can even wait until there's a request or two. Until someone needs us to change the behavior or report it's too confusing as-is, no need to introduce volatility for everyone in service of a hypothetical.
People have occasionally asked for this behavior, and it does make sense to have I think
Oh sorry, I see you meant something different. I was thinking "only the subset of the specs that have changed"
That is what people have been expecting would work but doesn't
Mixing changed and regular specs as orthogonal things seems like a bad idea?
Yea... I think that someone asked recently whether it should compute the intersection
(which would make it more like a filtering option in that case)
👍 1