I’ve been playing with the POC Explorer UI a bit a...
# development
I’ve been playing with the POC Explorer UI a bit again https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/14348 🧵
And I think that to dog food the Pantssystem, it really shouldn’t be a “pain point” to keep all of this stuff in the same repo, truly showing off the monorepo support.
However, to avoid burden down all pants installs everywhere, I think that the UI stuff should be opt-in, as far as possible, and for that I’m considering introducing a dedicated resolve for the backend stuff that requires API speicific libs, so we don’t accidentally pull those into core Pants.
For that to work, the part using another resolve would also have to be it’s own
I think.
I’m also planning on making the frontend UI pluggable, so plugin authors can register their own components/pages in the Explorer UI. (but that’ll likely be for later…)
Couldn't you keep it in the monorepo but not include it in vanilla pants, a la testutils? It could be a dedicated python_distribution
👍 1
Yeah, that’ll be for the core feature set, I was thinking for corporate specific features..
From https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15695
This is the minimum amount of code required to be in core Pants for: #14348
Everything else will be loaded dynamically by plugins/backends.
and further up in this thread:
[…] keep all of this stuff in the same repo, truly showing off the monorepo support.
aligns with what you said 🙂
Working on that right now.. to make the explorer backend “with batteries included, but pluggable” was a common hype-phrase when Docker was maturing.. 😛
@bitter-ability-32190 I guess I got a bit inspired by your suggestion to help out with this, so I figure we need to have some basic feature set landed to build upon.. 😄
You lost me a bit, but yeah i think this all fits in well with the infra existing in core pants and the extras not requiring to be in pants vanilla
Cool, I think our thinking is aligned. I’ll have another PR up in the next couple of days with the GraphQL backend stuff in it, hopefully.
refactoring my POC into something more maintainable and useful.
And for the graphql stuff, I think we want a dedicated python dist, so we don’t enforce a lot of API specific deps upon vanilla Pants.