I opened an <RFC in the form of a PR>. It is to al...
# development
I opened an RFC in the form of a PR. It is to allow
./pants run ...
on a
, freeing users from requiring the declaration of a
for scripts, and frees us to implement
running as
package + run
Interesting. I think I’m in favour of such a change.
(Wanna comment on PR 😛 ) Also as an aside: I have roughly 200 binaries I need to migrate totaling several weeks worth of work in manual validation. I'm adding this as an in-repo plugin. Poof there goes the metadata and validation of almost all 200 😂
🙌 1
I thinkkkk I'm in favor of this. We do need to keep
working for
because you might have something like
. So this would be allowing you to use either approach -- My gut reaction is "But what if a user tries running something that isn't executable!!!" It's important that
./pants $goal ::
knows which targets are valid and which are not But I think my fear is overblown because...we only allow you to run on one target at a time. And that will always be the case, given
claims the foreground We could allow you to do
./pants run ::
and then we run each process sequentially, which is how
test --debug
works...but imo that would be a UX regression
my other concern is "Are we confident none of those Pex args matter with run?" But if we keep
still working, then that's not much of a concern. Usually just use `python_source`; use
if you gotta do something special
around also means this has zero breaking change for users, which is great
Hm I really like the semantic clarity of this. I don't think any of the scripts in
should actually be buildable with
! That is not at all our intent to distribute them!
My gut reaction is "But what if a user tries running something that isn't executable!!!"
Have no fear! This is only for
. IN which case, every Python file is executable as per the language 😉
my other concern is "Are we confident none of those Pex args matter with run?"
If anything, this would fix the current gap we have today. Right now
./pants run my_pex_binary
doesn't run the Pex! So those args provided to pex aren't considered. In a future world, it would run the PEX and therefore consider the args.
around also means this has zero breaking change for users, which is great
I had to update PR, there is one breaking change 😅 : "Current users can
./pants run path/to/file.py
today if that file is the
of a
. With a change like this, it becomes ambiguous."
😢 1
I think after a deprecation cycle, we might be able to remove the
of the
field in
, so that
./pants run file.py
is unambiguously us running the file.
IN which case, every Python file is executable as per the language 😉
Sure, but you probably didn't mean to
. If
./pants run ::
worked, then this would be a big concern for me. Fortunately, I think it's unlikely we'd want to ever let that work
+1 for the general direction of this thread
Well I think I got the feedback, then. Expect a googledoc... at some point
👍 1
❤️ 1
only potential backwards compatibility hazard is that we currently have a facility in place for
./pants run $file
to locate an owning
… presumably this behavior would be a fallback after that lookup?
Yeah that's what I was calling out above. It's up for debate what the future state would be. My opinion is giving a file arg always runs the source, to run the binary you must use the address
yea, seems reasonable. just have to figure out how to deprecate it
I'm generally in favor of this. It helps shed light on what targets are and when they are necessary. This discussion clarifies that
has two roles: A) enhances a source file with metadata (describing how to build a PEX out of it) and B) selects what
can match on.
./pants run
is special in that applying it to
makes no sense and is not supported, and we also don't generally need any extra metadata to do a
./pants run
(as opposed to
./pants package
). So, yeah, why require a target?
Longer term, I think in general
./pants <goal> path/to/file.py
should ~always work with sensible defaults. E.g.,
./pants test path/to/file.py
makes sense even with no
target. It's obvious what to do in that case. Targets should be required only when sensible defaults need to be overridden (or are not possible in the first place) and for
to do the right thing.
One issue to watch out for (for posterity) is now we'd maybe want to allow
in dependencies since it acts like a leaf in the dependency tree when run. I'm running into this now in my repo 😕
👀 1
It's obvious what to do in that case.
I'm not so sure thats true, actually. Test files aren't themselves meaningfully runnable (unless they have the
if __name__
suffix) because pytest magic. So did you want to run it vanilla (what if they have a
__name__ == "__main__"
handler?) or through Pytest? Also running is matched on field sets, so w'd have to special case the test targets in the one run implementation. Not saying it isn't possible or ideal, but pointing out it does get ambiguous
Looks good. I’ve not got the bandwidth atm to take a deep dive into it, though 😉
I'm not so sure thats true, actually. Test files aren't themselves meaningfully runnable (unless they have the if name suffix) because pytest magic. So did you want to run it vanilla (what if they have a name == "__main__" handler?) or through Pytest?
Through pytest. I think
./pants test path/to/file.py
unambiguously means "run pytest with that file as input".
Even if
isn't a test. We shouldn't get in the way of the user telling us what to do. The fieldsets are for figuring out what
applies to.
I don't think this specific example is urgent, I'm using it to show that there is a general principle we can apply here, and I would like to at least think about how it all fits together. But again,
is special since
run ::
is disallowed anyway.
Ah yeah I misunderstood!
Strong thumbs up from me
This is the direction I want us to go in for all goals 🙂