Hi! Now that in-repo docs have landed as an experi...
# development
Hi! Now that in-repo docs have landed as an experiment (https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15810), it's important folks don't directly save edits to Readme.com without updating GitHub. Those won't be persisted @ancient-vegetable-10556 and I had the idea of tightening up the number of admins on Readme.com so that fewer people have to remember this gotcha. Thoughts?
I'm ok with jumping ship, so long as I can find a way to "rpeview" my local writing
How long would we be without admin access? If a couple days, fine by me. If a couple weeks, hmmm. Mayyyyybe...?
This would be indefinitely. Chris and I strongly suspect we will want to migrate to Sphinx pretty quickly, but we have not committed to the time investment needed for that
so long as I can find a way to "rpeview" my local writing
True. I just finished doing my first substantial change, and it was very useful being able to hop into Readme.com's revised editor to preview. If we remove you from admin, then your only possibility is to use "Suggest edits" directly in Readme, and rely on an admin to port to GitHub So...maybe we don't take away privileges. Only, it's on you to remember you gotta update GH
Most of my edits traditionally have involved creating new pages or rearranging existing pages. Losing access to do that directly would make headache for me + whichever of you ends up having to be my surrogate for those things.
If ReadMe had a way for non-admins to create or move pages, I'd be more open to downgrading privs. But afaik those are admin-only features.
The creating and moving pages directly in readme is pretty much what we're trying to avoid, IIUC?
Yeah. Maybe it wasn't clear, @Carina C. Zona, but the point of this is that anyone can move and create docs using markdown files in repo. So it's just a PR away
👍 1
All pages, not just API documentation pages?
Well, the unversioned "custom pages" are debatable, there seems a lot less harm in keeping those in readme as the source of truth, at least for now. The ones that are oriented around devrel/marketing, as opposed to onboarding and using Pants
If we switch to sphinx then those would have to go along, but right now it's not clear that they have to?
I'd love to have them out of readme. Its custom pages come with awkward restrictions that it would be nice to be liberated from.
Even better 🙂
As long as you don't mind making changes in git. We can probably exempt some pages from code review, for faster turnaround.
That’ll be a thing when we move to Sphinx
Yeah I love git.
Should the 'update the site' section of https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.12/docs/release-process#step-2-update-this-docs-site now get folded into the release prep PR, now that docs are in-repo?
mm, yes. almost certainly.