I was just reading the 2.12 blog draft that talks ...
# development
I was just reading the 2.12 blog draft that talks about BSP. Is BSP only for Java/Scala? Or could it help PyCharm integrate better with pants too?
good question. there have been prototypes of using BSP for C/C++, and the IntelliJ people who work on BSP have been pushing to make it more widely adopted. there is no fundamental reason why it couldn’t be useful for Python, but the Python plugin for IntelliJ is closed source, unfortunately
from the Pants side, we could absolutely expose BSP information for Python.
The community edition is Apache 2 licensed. Here’s the plugin: https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/tree/master/python
ah, TIL!
I happen to pay for the professional edition. 🤷 But, I used the community edition for awhile before I had reason to upgrade.
so yea, we have a line to the folks who work on BSP at Jetbrains… last i heard they were moving the implementation from a JVM-specific location to a general plugin that could be used more easily by multiple backends
sweet. Better pants integration with PyCharm (and GoLand) would be fantastic.
i can file a ticket about it with more info if that would be useful, although it’s pretty speculative
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GoLand, on the other hand, is not open source 😢
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You posted the same link twice… 😜
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fixed 😅
Cool. So, what? We add the python extension support in pants and then wait for JetBrains to add it to PyCharm? (or someone who does Java can figure out how to contribute to the open source python extension I linked to… I am not into Java so that person is not me.)
I have no clue. I'll probably reach out privately and see whats what. FWIW I have 0 personal motivation until VS Code supports BSP. But my devs do use JetBrains stuff 🤔
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