As a dirty hack, I can run CC tests by doing somet...
# development
As a dirty hack, I can run CC tests by doing something like this:
Copy code
    dependencies=["./src:sources", "./tests:tests"]
Copy code
tests is a Catch v2.13.9 host application.
Run with -? for options

Additions are correct

examples/cc/core/tests/greeter.cpp:7: FAILED:
  REQUIRE( add(1, 2) == 2 )
with expansion:
  3 == 2

test cases: 1 | 1 failed
assertions: 2 | 1 passed | 1 failed
However, assuming I want to make a
target, would that expect to live inside my tests folder, and then infer the location of the sources? And would this inference happen because of an expected filesystem relativity?
So, I guess more specifically.
takes test sources, then infers the production sources/libraries they came from, creates a binary, and runs it?
saw this, but ran out of time to consider it.
is back from vacation next week (not pinging) and will almost certainly have thoughts here.
👍 1
I'm still moving forward with one approach, just to get it moving - the internals can be re-jigged later. Trying to get this setup on a project with about 12 sets of small libs + tests. That'll be my "this is ready for a PR" moment
👍 1