Environment configuration design doc is ready (eno...
# development
Environment configuration design doc is ready (enough) for review 🙂 This unblocks the Docker project. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vXRHWK7ZjAIp2BxWLwRYm1QOKDeXx02ONQWvXDloxkg/edit#
Most important thing for today is if we're able to confirm the data modeling for how environments are defined: options vs targets I'm almost done with the initial implementation of targets and can put it up for review soon
thanks: i’m hoping to get https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7490 out for review this morning, and then will look
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OK. I like modeling environments as targets. I’m concerned about the ability to modify things like search paths for the local environment. On my Mac, for example, I use MacPorts, but most others use Homebrew. So, defining the paths specific to my machine in the open source project’s config is generally not kosher.
) would need to be restricted so that it can only define environment targets, and possibly override target config from a path defined in the repo… Those local overrides are messy no matter what format (toml/BUILD) they’re in.
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is better than
Thanks for taking a look, Jacob. I agree that is the haziest part of targets imo What do you think about this workflow? You define the environment in a BUILD file checked in for everyone, and then override some option in pants.rc to tell Pants to use your
rather than what everyone else has by default?
The other workaround I was thinking is if we want an option to allow you to override certain values?
Copy code
my_env = { python_interpreter_search_path = ["foo"] }
Maybe don't open the can of worms of
? I could see that being a can of worms
So, pants.rc would override
to point to a locally defined target instead of the in-repo target?
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exactly, and you either define that target in a checked in file or in
I think
sounds more feasible than introducing
mechanisms — that really does sound like a big can of worms.
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if we don't go with targets as the solution, thoughts on options 1 vs 2 vs 3?
consolidate the logic, even if there is some repetition between the options.
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toml is designed such that it explicitly prefers duplicated config over introducing something like yaml anchors: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/issues/77#issuecomment-14274593
which is fine for most of our options, including
, because there's little duplication across options. Here, it seems very likely to have duplication
So, if that config is close together, it is easier to make sure you update all relevant options at the same time.
@happy-kitchen-89482 do you have thoughts on the modeling?
I don’t have commenting privs
you should be an editor as a pants maintainer. but either way, fixed
Thanks for the doc, this is interesting and nuanced
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I nerd sniped myself into staying up till 4 am working on it and in particular https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/16661 for some gnarly parser.py stuff to derisk the target approach 🙈 every time I closed my eyes, I thought of a new idea lmao
I suggested an “Option 5” there, it’s very half-baked but LMK
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In the interest of unblocking the Docker experiment, which this environment mechanism blocks, I propose that we use targets for now. I'm almost done implementing it, whereas • options 3 (a subsystem w/ Plugin Options) and 5 (pants.toml files per env) both require new technology to be invented. • option 2 (subscopes) is vetoed • option 1 (dict options) has less traction than targets I am not trying to strong-arm this. I'll intentionally minimize work on making the target modeling more ergonomic, and instead focus on stuff useful regardless. And then once I'm done unblocking the overall project, and Benjy is back from a trip in a week, we re-evaluate? thoughts @witty-crayon-22786?
i think that target options are the strongest of the presented alternatives.
an option 6 (related to options 2 and 5) would be to add native support for marking individual options (rather than entire subsystems as in 2) as environment-specific, and then requiring that they be specified in a separate config file (similar to option 5)
but i think that option 4 is still stronger, because 6 attaches meaning to your config files in a way that isn’t great… you’d need to alias config files, basically
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yeah, note
for example - is that an env, or only extra config? Also forcing you to use TOML to set options violates our core options mechanism w/ --args and env vars
I do like the idea of options being marked as environment specific! Regardless of which of the alternatives we take