I'd like to reorganize the <Resource Hub page> to ...
# development
I'd like to reorganize the Resource Hub page to make it easier to navigate by topic. Since some people will still prefer to consume content by medium (i.e. "I'm a tactile learner, show me where the tutorials are") I'm thinking tagging would be a good approach, as long as each resource can be searchable/sortable by tag. So for instance, a particular podcast episode might be tagged "community, tutorial, podcast, interview, pants team, [interviewee name]" and a particular conference talk might be tagged "internals, engine, python, rust, conference, Pycon, [speaker name]", etc. Then ideally people would be able to drill down to the various resources that are tutorials, or the various interviews and presentations that are by PersonA, or everything that addresses Python support, etc. The challenge: Readme doesn't let us use custom JS or custom CSS. I can instead put everything into an embedded Airtable and tag entries for people to slice, dice, and sort the overall content however they like. But then the embedded content won't be indexed by Readme. Is there a happy medium option that allows people to land on the correct page full of content they are seeking, then drill down into it more finely as they need?
I’m not sure what a happy medium would be short of duplicating content
Yeah, that's the only one that came to mind to me, and it's not a happy one considering maintaining two different sets of info is a pain and prone to errors.
yup. We theoretically have the capacity to render data into markdown as part of the sync process, but we don’t currently have the tooling or the automation to do it in practice.
We’d still need to write something to pull the data down as part of the build process, but it’d be less of a hack