Still need feedback on this. Summary: using Airtab...
# development
Still need feedback on this. Summary: using Airtable to make learning resources more searchable/sortable/filterable within page is at the cost of making them invisible to site search and presumably search engines. Is there a way to meet the goal without quite so high a tradeoff?
the google searchability / crawlability of that page is pretty essential. tagging is helpful, but it seems like fairly low tech inline tagging on the page would go a long way, and would still allow for in-page searching.
I can add non-clickable text hashtags to the page. As I understand it, readme doesn't allow us custom js or custom css. So "use Command-F" would be as much as we could offer.
yea, and the site / google search would still work for those keywords
Yes, the importance of preserving indexability is why I brought this up and have considered it blocked until there's a more viable option on the table.
@ancient-vegetable-10556 if the current in-repo markdown file had additional classes/css/js that went un-used by readme, would the rendered files be preserved somewhere with those parts intact? Available, for, say, hosting on GH pages or somesuch where the css and js can be used? At least that would reduce the extent of redundant maintenance.
I haven’t tried it