Would it be possible to add anchors to the callout...
# development
Would it be possible to add anchors to the callouts in the docs? I would love to link to blockquotes like “Run
./pants tailor --check ::
in CI” on https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/initial-configuration#generate-build-files as well as many of the other callouts, as they hold specific tips that I would like to reference. I don’t know how much flexibility the docs host gives for this, but, next time someone’s playing with the docs, that would be helpful.
I don't think so -- that's entirely up to Readme.com. Note that we really want to migrate away from it to something like Sphinx
I like sphinx. It’s a complex beast, but it does a fiddly complex job.
I actually learned python by writing plugins for sphinx. lol.
If you ever are looking for something new to do on Pants, getting that transition to Sphinx finished would be fabulous. No pressure, just fyi if you're interested.
yeah. interested, but my plate is already overflowing… 😛 So, not yet.
@proud-dentist-22844 re your original question, readme uses markdown including support for html. So I assume you can add an id attribute or anchor tag wherever you want. Feel free to experiment with both and see if you can satisfy your need. Since neither approach would be visible to a user, it's harmless to test.
👍 1
The readme infoboxes are a bit magical iirc, so you may have to wrap one in a
to give you something to attach an id to.