I'm not very familiar with `py-spy`, but is there ...
# development
I'm not very familiar with
, but is there a way to profile just steps relevant to a backend? I don't really have a technical definition of "relevant" unfortunately, more of a semantic one. Like, would monitoring time spent in the
module be practically good enough? Feels so-so https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/contributions-debugging#profiling-with-py-spy Idea here is that I want to test having the
backend compile/link natively vs creating Ninja build files, and then having ninja perform the compilation/linking step to see whether that step is a bottleneck (when compared with the other Pants overhead - digests, daemon, dep inference, cache checking, etc).
You should be able to download a Zipkin trace of a build from Toolchain Buildsense.
If I just compile one of my random projects?
the project would have to be uploading telemetry to buildsense
but yes, there is a zipkin download link on every build
šŸ‘ Need to make a decent OSS app I guess
There has been value in having
repositories for the other backends. I imagine that an
repo will help now with testing and later with adoption.
For sure, just in my case, it needs to be BIIIIG to test. I think a kitchen sink repo would be great, everything in one monorepo
yeah big repos help out. When we were developing the Java backend, we ended up using the Google Guice repository to test out how well dependency inference was working. Having a non-trivial (but not too complex) repository as a test case was very useful.
(and for Scala we used
for testing)
both were sufficiently sized in my view
I'll try to think of some good sized repositories. I wonder if there are some components of
that could make for good test cases.
LLVM or Chrome šŸ™‚
I have a couple in the pocket, it'll also test out how good my CMake tailor thing is...
LLVM would be quite a test case. :) Iā€™d suggest limiting the size of the initial test case though since we tried with Java and Scala to use larger repos, but found that repo-specific integration issues could end up dominating the amount of time needed to make it a viable test case.