Sooo, turns out that integrating shell completions...
# development
Sooo, turns out that integrating shell completions with pants as a built-in goal was easier than expected. Like, to the tune of minutes 🙂 However, this leaves me with a couple outstanding questions: 1. What should the completions "goal" be called?
./pants completions
- even if it's contrived, I like the idea of something like
./pants --completions
which kinda indicates that it's acting on the pants instance itself, rather than being a verb for some other work 2. What should the output of said pseudo-goal be? Print the completions to the console? Export to
? This is probably a per-repo file, since it depends on what the installed backend packages are - so it may not be something trivially exported to a completions folder somewhere on the user's filesystem 3. Can this be auto-updated if the backend-packages change?
🚀 2
🤘 1
What should the output of said pseudo-goal be?
Maybe depends if we want to output for all shells, vs only one?
Can this be auto-updated if the backend-packages change?
Not currently. Relates a little to I think
If you use the
goal, then maybe people could configure (probably in
) which shells they want: bash, zsh, … Then, plugins could register additional shell types for that goal (with a union). But, shell completion backends would need to be enabled via
so that people can use esoteric shells without forcing projects to add support in their pants.toml And now, I’ve probably veered off into left field… Using the top-level completions would also make it discoverable when people list the available goals.
If you made a
./pants completions
goal, I can imagine a zsh completion plugin that calls that to add contextual completions on the fly. For the zsh completion, I can imagine an oh-my-zsh plugin that would call
./pants completions test --
given the user typing
./pants test --<tab>
to get the valid args in that context.
If I'm reading that right, and you'd want
./pants completions
called on each ... keystroke?
Not on every keystroke, just when the user hits
to ask for completions
I’ve seen a variety of zsh plugins that do that kind of thing to get completions on the fly in a subprocess.
I mean, do-able, but at the mercy of the pants daemon
on my computer at the moment, that would mean re-building the native code for some reason, but in reality, like 0.5-1s of delay on each tab
yeah - the pants daemon could do that, or we could have some kind of IPC to allow completions to talk directly to the daemon without firing off another subprocess.
dang. That’s a lot of delay.
For something that could be pre-generated, and only occasionally needs to change, this feels over-killy
a static export is probably better if completion generation is that slow.
./pants --version  0.64s user 0.10s system 26% cpu 2.817 total
That's for when there is a backend package mistake This is on the example-python repo:
./pants --version  0.56s user 0.08s system 78% cpu 0.816 total
If every tab took that long, I'd instantly stop using them - that's not even completions
Actually generating the completions:
./pants completions  0.71s user 0.12s system 60% cpu 1.365 total