How would y'all feel about a periodic (~2 weeks? M...
# development
How would y'all feel about a periodic (~2 weeks? Monthly?) Reminder to post these?
👍 1
I think it's a great idea. Or weekly updates even I had a todo to propose doing this 2 months ago, and never got around to it. So props to you for starting it 🙂
I like the idea of posting these to the chat, as that a) keeps them up-to-date when you post them, and b) stuff on old ones disappear over time if they’re stale/inaccurate etc.
Let's try every other? @busy-vase-39202 do you think a skackbot reminder would work?
Let's try every other?
Yeah that might be less aggressive, given that contributing is not an expectation and for a lot of folks it's a volunteer thing in the night etc. We don't want to suggest you're expected to do anything also btw Carina is OOO until Monday
The reminder could be for whatever period, and if you feel like posting every week because then by all means I’d say, we don’t all have to follow the same schedule here
👍 1
Let's add something to the docs about #development being an appropriate place to do so, that it's encouraged but not obligatory. I think as long as one person does it, that is implicit prompt to others. It certainly worked that way here. Let's see how we do without overt reminders, and circle back in a month? Meanwhile I'll add a reminder to the team agenda, so that at least there's a large circle of people who keeping it on their radar without others necessarily feeling obliged.
I'll set my own Slackbot reminder for mine :)
I like that. Folks, feel free to post these at whatever cadence you like. 🙂