What's our policy on promoting things out of exper...
# development
What's our policy on promoting things out of experimental? Pointer to new code? Pointer + deprecation warning? Just move it?
I suspect "evergreen pointer with deprecation warning" is the answer. CC @flat-zoo-31952 🙂
Pointer + deprecation warning is probably okay, although if the pointer isn't trouble to keep there's no harm in keeping it. But I don't think it should be a guarantee like outside the betaverse
"betaverse" 😂 ❤️
Looks like we don't have a deprecated decorator without a end date. I'll just warn myself.
(Also pretty soon we'll have a
deprecations fixer 💪 )
Looks like we don't have a deprecated decorator without a end date. I'll just warn myself.
I've been setting stuff to 3.0
imo, rather than setting it to 3.0 (which attaches unnecessary significance to that release), i would treat “forever” as something finite like “one year” or 8/9 releases
In my case I'm wondering if we can also add another option " ever-deprecated"