Hmm... I think that `help` is implemented as a bui...
# development
Hmm... I think that
is implemented as a built-in goal now?
Yep, BuiltIn, which is what I was using - however, if we want to try it out as an export, need to access the full help JSON. Maybe I missed a Request object though, "help" is a hard grep
I guess the other option is whether a rule can call builtin goals
All of help is implemented outside of the
engine, so you shouldn't need to get rules involved
Yeah, so right now, completions are just another Builtingoal, using the same/similar infra. However, from the
rule graph area, how can I get access to help?
mm… you can’t currently. that’s why i had suggested doing this in a builtingoal in the first place
most of those arguments to
can be consumed from rules, except for the `goal_consumed_subsystem_scopes`… that’s itself some rule-graph introspection.
Yeahhh, there's been a lot of back and forth - I don't particularly like a custom goal for this, and now that
has some cool subsystem functionality, seemed like the ideal place - if the plumbing was in place to grab help data
Wouldn’t be too difficult to add a builtin rule that provides that data, I believe..
So, the issue I ran into is - can you currently call BuiltIns from within a rule?
If so - I can just call Help and be done, but I didn't see that functionality anywhere (nor do I know if you can just
a scheduler instance or something that allows sibling code to run
There’s no way to invoke builtin goals from a regular rule, no 😕
What I would do is add a rule that pulls out all the stuff passed to the builtin goals, and return the extracted helpinfo data from that.
…. (fishing code link…) (wow that was difficult to find today..) This is the list of all builtin rules, haven’t looked at what’s available and what’s required for the HelpInfoExtracter, but I think it should be doable to add another builtin rule here that returns the HelpInfo data structure..
Hmm, so that makes me wonder if it's a good idea - or more of a patch between two systems that are isolated, and mayyybe should/shouldn't be connected? Thanks either way, I'll look at that and see what comes up