Hey could we turn off Slack announcing new discuss...
# development
Hey could we turn off Slack announcing new discussions in #general please? That is noisy imo. GitHub now supports very customizable notification settings where you can ask GH to notify you already for that, but ignore other things like new issues
Related thread: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C0D7TNJHL/p1666387658765919 The issue here is that Discussions is a bit of a dead-zone, without people knowing to look at it. I think it's supposed to just notify on new discussions? Or maybe discussions and replys (but hopefully as threads?)
Yeah I agree it doesn't belong in #general. @happy-kitchen-89482 can it be put into a private channel or something? Turns out they're unthreaded, which gets confusing and noisy; makes the slack less useful. I suspect only team members will find these useful to subscribe to in slack.
or can we disable them entirely? I already get GH notifications and feel overwhelmed w/ the quantity of notifications when getting back to desk on Monday. Duplicating the notifications on Slack doubles that noise
Well that's why I'm thinking a side channel. The notifications were by request, so they have utility for team members who prefer all their conversation notifications in one place. But segregating the notifications makes it opt-in.
I’ve created #github-notifications, feel free to subscribe or ignore
👍 2
FWIW I woulnd't mind so much so people that aren't watching Pants github could get a digest of discussions that might be relevant. But I'd prefer that to be like a weekly digest, instead of instant-1:1
Does GH do digests? My hope with the notifications (if the integration was better) was for people who don't essentially live in the Pants repo to get better visibility.
I think there's two sets of needs here: team members and others getting fast notifications of new posts so those can attempt to respond promptly, vs end-users getting periodic digests. I haven't seen any option for the latter, but I could make room for a GH Discussions Highlights sections in future newsletters. Not the same, but they make it relatively easy to pick out some "best of" thanks to upvoting and "answered" flags.
That would be kickass
So here I was like... Oh! I know how to solve this! A python script to grab all new discussions from a certain date. Oh, but I don't have a lot of time right now, BUT! I do have github copilot! This is the EXACT workflow they show all the time in their examples and docs, accessing an API without needing to read the docs. So, I wrote a nice comment, let copilot work it's magic, annnnnd! Infinite while loop due to having a static string as the while condition. I fix that little, tiny, meaningless bug and run again... Annnnnndddd!!!! The URL it pointed at doesn't exist in the docs, nor in the API reference, nor on the internet. Yeah, still some bugs to work out 😢
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