FYI I'm removing my job posting from the Jobs page...
# development
FYI I'm removing my job posting from the Jobs page on 🎉
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Can you tell us why? 🙂
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we got one
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And not just anyone. The illustrious @dry-analyst-73584 😈
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Which I should add, found the job listing through the Jobs page 🙌
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Two success stories thus far, nice track record 😄
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I am thrilled for you both. What a great team you two are gonna be. And yayyyy to having Tansy around here more. It's exciting to see several members of the team have now found jobs through that page. Folks, keep adding listings! It's a great way to find people who have deep experience with Pants and other developer tooling. (For those unaware: Tansy was Toolchain's first hire, nearly 4 years ago!)
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