trying to debug a puzzler around sha256 mismatches...
# development
trying to debug a puzzler around sha256 mismatches when packaging a pex using python 3.9 🧵
we’re trying to switch pants itself to running with python 3.9, while continuing to lint/test/package the main code for python 3.8 (for now). to support that, I extended our CI image to include both versions of python, and to have
point at the 3.9 interpreter. after making that switch, we consistently see one
./pants package
of a PEX in our build fail with:
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There was 1 error downloading required artifacts:artifacts
1. clr 0.3.19 from git+<>
    Expected sha256 hash of 88c4fc49003c1594d70aefe9cfbae3e60327a85e52e4608755f52cce2d438eb3 when downloading clr but hashed to 39cdfcc1e1980477476434e6d3d7777bc2bbecff7fcd903f36b4ddb1b17283a5.
I’m not able to repro the issue natively on my mac, but I can repro it consistently if I run the CI container locally
if I keep sandboxes and edit the
after the failure to point at 3.8, everything starts working
does this sort of error on 3.9 sound familiar to anyone? setting
doesn’t give me much more information
It looks like the hash depends on the interpreter building the sdist:
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$ curl -sSL <> -O
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.7 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<https://githu>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.7.json
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.8 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.8.json
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.9 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.9.json
$ diff lock.3.7.json lock.3.8.json
<               "hash": "39be551f54bc4c59210f08326bc649806d0ca18b8c008975424023cda2568782",
>               "hash": "88c4fc49003c1594d70aefe9cfbae3e60327a85e52e4608755f52cce2d438eb3",
$ diff lock.3.7.json lock.3.9.json
<               "hash": "39be551f54bc4c59210f08326bc649806d0ca18b8c008975424023cda2568782",
>               "hash": "39cdfcc1e1980477476434e6d3d7777bc2bbecff7fcd903f36b4ddb1b17283a5",
It's only consistent within 1 interpreter:
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$ rm -rf ~/.pex
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.7 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.7-2.json
$ diff lock.3.7.json lock.3.7-2.json
🤯 1
Pex goes through some lengths here to get a consistent sdist hash, namely building the sdist and then unpacking it to a diretory, and then content hashing that directory so that tar-ness doesn't throw things off. Clearly there is some other environment sensitive bit in there.
putting that surprise aside, it’s also then confusing that
doesn’t change the expected hash in the lockfile when pants is running under python 3.9. looking at the
output of a running
, it appears to be running out of a 3.8 virtualenv. is there some extra “find a compatible interpreter step” in the lockfile-generation logic that we should copy over to the pex-packaging rule so the two are consistent?
Well, there is a long way between the high level "Pants is running under 3.9" And Pants rules are also using Python 3.9 to run Pex.
So, when I use
pip download
to get those sdists the resulting zips differ, when unpacked and the .git dir is ignored, which Pex does:
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$ diff -x .git -r 3.7.dists/clr 3.9.dists/clr
Only in 3.7.dists/clr/.eggs: pytest_runner-6.0.0-py3.7.egg
Only in 3.9.dists/clr/.eggs: pytest_runner-6.0.0-py3.9.egg
So that appears to be the underlying issue. Looking deeper to see why integration tests don't hit that particular issue, but the color/clr does.
đź‘Ť 1
Ah, its the setup-requires
So ... geez
Not sure I can do anything about that!
Can you not use PEP-517/518 ?
Just drop in a thin pyproject.toml and move the setup-requires there?
to unblock us on this issue we should be able to - this is one of our effectively-abandoned projects that we haven’t shaken off yet
I'm not seeing any viable way to deal with setup-requires.
I'll test to make sure PEPifying works here.
./pants package
ultimately ends up generating/running a process that runs:
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<python> ./pex <bunch-of-requirements> --lock <lockfile>
if we enforced that the
injected was compatible with the interpreter constraints of
, would that “fix” it for the
./pants package
use-case? avoid the underlying issue in pex
Perhaps. This all gets super-complex and I'd need to page in alot to be sure of things. I haven't looked at any of that stuff in a while.
đź‘Ť 1
I’ll file an issue so we have a more permanent marker for the idea. thanks for the debugging help!
Copy code
$ curl -sSL <> -O
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.7 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.7.json
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.8 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.8.json
$ PEX_SCRIPT=pex3 python3.9 pex lock create --style universal --target-system linux --target-system mac --resolver-version pip-2020-resolver "git+<>" --indent 2 -o lock.3.9.json
$ diff lock.3.7.json lock.3.8.json
$ diff lock.3.7.json lock.3.9.json
Python packaging is an unholy mess.
That PR breaks pytest-runner though. But also, read the deprecation notice 🤦
Basically, the color/clr recommended means of running tests is broken. You need to either not run tests or invest a smidgen in modernizing the test running, maybe using tox like the pytest-runner deprecation notice suggests.
we have been wanting to fold this package into the monorepo and build it with pants for awhile - maybe this will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back
nobody’s touched the repo for ~a year so deleting/disabling tests may also be a viable option in the short-term
As to the Pants bug, I'm just not sure there is anything that can be done here. I commented on the issue.