I've had three PRs consistently timing out today i...
# development
I've had three PRs consistently timing out today in CI. For example, I have tried re-running https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/actions/runs/3641491544/jobs/6147520114 multiple times. Last failure was:
Copy code
18:26:52.24 [WARN] Failed to read from remote cache (2 occurrences so far): Unavailable: "Pants client timeout"
sorry for the trouble. we should likely disable lazy fetch until we have time to track those down.
hm… actually, that error doesn’t look related to the cache failure. it looks like a few different tests timed out (likely due to network errors in general)
nonetheless, it’s not a good time to be dogfooding lazy fetch: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/17741
even after rebasing I still get a timeout on the pyoxidizer test: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/actions/runs/3642669301/jobs/6150073028
hm. yea, I suspect general network issues in GitHub Actions.
maybe? 2 of the 3 outstanding PRs I had still built fine once rebased on top of the PR that switched the caching mode. https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/17728 still times out consistently on
-- see https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/actions/runs/3644870384/jobs/6160290169
What does the pyoxidizer test do that takes so long?
(or does have a large output that is taking time to download? or is the concurrency wait taking forever?)
note: I never landed https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/16196 (making the timeout be for only the network RPC)
(just rebased it, will try to land it)
What does the pyoxidizer test do that takes so long?
it will download python distributions, as well as hitting pypi a bunch