As an avid hater of new goals, is the plan to pref...
# development
As an avid hater of new goals, is the plan to prefix goal names that should be rolled up elsewhere (someday) have a
ala • experimental-bspexperimental-deployexperimental-explorer
Wasn't sure if this was a planned convention, or just kinda sprung/sprang up organically
Goals meant to be top level or language-specific goals? Language-specific debug goals should not need a stability prefix in my view.
top level (ie. completions)
at least for the
goal, it was organic to decide that it shouldn't be mistaken for stable and then asked what prefix to use (which was semi-planned and was before the discussion to use "prefix" over "experimental"). The BSP support has a bunch of caveats and I didn't want users to mistake that is only works in very narrow circumstances (scala/java with IntelliJ).
👍 Understood
likewise with
— not planned to be rolled up under another goal, but also not yet a “complete” feature as-is, hence marking it experimental felt like the right thing to do for now, so in some future I think the idea is to simply drop the experimental prefix for the explorer goal.
with that said, I’m not sure if it needs to be a goal at all… or there should be some other mechanism to start/manage the backend server for the explorer.