Can someone help me out w/ this failure? `src/pyth...
# development
Can someone help me out w/ this failure?
src/python/pants/init/ failed in 450.00s.
I vaguely recall this happening to me months ago.
I think it was my typings maybe? Building locally to see what happens
Yeah, just verifying it still succeeds locally - but that's on python 3.9
Appears to have been a janky timeout - re-ran the failed job and it passed
yeah, we should bump the timeout because we've added more backends recently
each backend means two pants runs, which each often take 1.5-4 seconds in CI each
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I've had a legit failure in that file before I think, so I assumed this one was too (though, adding a test + docs + typings would have been odd. Can those tests be deterministically split into/across shards?
Can those tests be deterministically split into/across shards?
Probably -- create a library file and then 2-3 test files that call into the library with
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we could probably add automatic sharding of large tests too (behind a per-test flag, maybe)
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