Last thing (maybe) while I'm thinking on the tests...
# development
Last thing (maybe) while I'm thinking on the tests. Tests that use
would surely be over-saturating the system, no? You have the main Pants daemon process spawning N test subprocesses, where some subset of those run Pants (and I don't see us passing
) which then themselves allocate based on CPU count. Is that right?
absolutely I think we're getting resource contention. It's much faster to run a single IT at-a-time than run multiple at a time. And it helps explain the timeouts we get in CI
I'm wondering if we should refactor those to
where possible. Otherwise, limit the process count to like 1 or 2
Otherwise, limit the process count to like 1 or 2
That is probably excellent low hanging fruit
Everything being discussed sounds like good examples of bad creep that are good to fix - but isn't the motivating problem a large blowup at a point in time? Are you just trying to clear away cobwebs to make it easier to diagnose the big blowup or do I have that wrong?
I'm making note of cobwebs so that when we do fix the blowup we can clear those on the way out
And now I understand the boom. The filewatching was making the boom. As was the case with symlinks, the dogfooding Pants for testing yields very surprising results