Floating the discussion of removing `frozen_after_...
# development
Floating the discussion of removing
in lieu of doing what the Python docs recommend in this case: using
. See Python docs And FWIW I didn't see this discussed when
was introduced: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/8431 The motivation is lowering the entry bar for plugin authors: Just do as the Romans do...
😕 1
👍 2
It's ugly because new code looks like:
object.__setattr__(self, "attrname", attrvalue)
instead of
self.attrname = attrvalue
but thats the current art
really that much of an additional burden for learners of plugins? I feel like the bit about "throw out virtually anything you know in Python that does IO because you need to interact with a Pants Monad to do anything" is a much bigger hurdle. If anything
felt like a welcome convenience because if I'm being forced to use frozen dataclasses to represent all info, at I have this way out.
AFAICT most of the outs that people use
for are to do validation, coercion, or other conversion. Would have been nice to use attrs for this rather than dataclasses, but it's too late now, as that's a massive API change attrs and dataclassess can't subclass the other type
It's a death by a thousand paper cuts, and it can only be fixed by healing each one. Just because we might have a huge gash somewhere doesn't mean we can't, and shouldn't try and heal a single one
We try not to increase our surface area wmr.tm 3rdparty packages, and yes most usages are for converters
Yeah I'm with you on the 3rdparty thing for this case, although personally I tend to use
in all my projects when I can.
But I still think
is very useful and simple enough to grok in a minute or two, even if it is a parochialism
TBF the problem isn't specifically frozen_after_init, but the fact that you: • Don't use frozen • Have to use unsafe_hash because.... Reasons (I know why, but do newcomers) • Mypy won't help you if you try and set attributes Instead it's much more ideal to do "the normal thing" instead of inventing our own special little way
I guess that makes sense
I speak from personal experience. It always disrupts my mental flow when I have to remember the special pants way of doing this
Yeah I hear ya. I guess it kinda annoys me that there isn’t a good way to express this pattern in Python.
Not in a typesafe way at least 😅
Also FWIW I floated the idea of adding converter support to dataclass_transform to the typing SIG and the answer was a warm "why not just add it to dataclass?" So I might be PEPing that 😅
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@witty-crayon-22786 @happy-kitchen-89482 y'all got thoughts?
I'm not convinced that this is worth the amount of disruption it will cause, but I am open to being convinced.
Although I suppose we don't have to do a big retcon of all the existing frozen_after_init classes. We can introduce this gradually over time.
There are currently 87 such dataclasses
Well I wouldn't mind refactoring those. It really ain't that bad of a refactor
, we used to use
overrides to add constructor logic to namedtuples. i suppose that that isn’t possible with dataclasses, but it was reasonably nice