The macos wheel build thread leads me to believe t...
# development
The macos wheel build thread leads me to believe that we should start pushing hard on scie-pants. Which as far as I can tell just means loudly advocating for people to try it, and make it trivial to do so.
brew install
support on Macs (and Linux, for those who use brew in that setting): Seeing the hoops and hurdles to overcome in order for a pants brew formula in homebrew core, I think we’ll have greater success with a custom tap. To that end, given you agree, may I get a new repo set up?
please and thank you 🙂 This would give an install syntax when using
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brew tap pantsbuild/pants
brew install pants
That's unfortunate. Taps always feel so odd to me, even though I understand the point.
If we use a tap, will it at least just pull down the pre-packaged binary? Or still from source?
brew tap pantsbuild/pants
brew tap pantsbuild/homebrew-pants
? It seems like the latter, which is better anyhow, since pantsbuild/pants is not pantsbuild - there is other software (potentially).
So, obviously, I just made the repo to get out of the way. If discussion concludes we don't want a custom tap, I'll just delete it at that time.
yea, one of the points with going with a custom tap is to be able to use our already built binaries!
@enough-analyst-54434 you can do either, brew will add in the missing
prefix if left out as sugar..
also, I considered a tap name like
(i.e. a repo named
) as we may want a single tap with potentially other formulas in it as well…
You mac people are all crazy. Do as you fit! I can rename if you want. I'm just a button clicking monkey here.
🤪 ok, let’s be prepared for housing more stuff here, so for me then, renaming it to
would make sense..
Maybe one thing at a time?
Do we need brew yet?
yes, but let’s try to get the name right now any way…
Or at all?
E.g., rust seems to be fine without it
maybe “need” isn’t the right word? 😛 but it’s a convenient alternative.
there’s rust formula in brew… so I don’t see your point?
but, many formulaes are maintained by not the authorative projects… (e.g. it’s community contributed/maintained)
👍 1
so the idea here is that we’d not take brew on as Pants maintainers but as Pants community members… but getting it into brew core seemed like a no-go for us… then having a custom tap makes more sense under the pantsbuild umbrella rather than a new place/home..
@happy-kitchen-89482 there was a whole conversation about rust seems to be fine without. I totally agree, but @wide-midnight-78598 and others do not like that.
This is why, amongst other reasons, I say you mac users are crazy!
is like my App store for the cli… 🤪
(and also desktop, actually… with `cask`s)
is like my App store for the cli
[quietly steals that quote]
✔️ 1
@curved-television-6568 I'll let @happy-kitchen-89482 change the name to homebrew-tap as solid proof this conversation is converging amongst a wider set.
adding to the 🔥 we’ve got going here…
Copy code
brew tap thought-machine/please
brew install please
I assume some later - no need to tap anymore! - is just fine. I.E.: forward progress,
So, discussed in length elsewhere, but I think the idea is - if we have standalone binaries, it would be "nice" to let people install them how they prefer if possible (brew, apt, dnf, etc down the road). I like that all the stuff I install is neatly located in a configured location, with correct permissions, correct backups (or not), etc - which is why I use brew. It's actually a small annoyance that rustup defaults to my home directory, as I start getting more garbage that I don't want in my time machine backups
Anyways, rant for another day - but the GH ticket was directed to community support, rather than official support. At the moment, they're kinda the same though 🙂
So, one thing to point out, is that all the important heft will still be in your home dir unless I missed where the brew thing was re-directing SCIE_BASE.
brew installs to
by default…
but you maybe referred to pants specifics, in which case that wasn’t changed..
I'm just pointing out, that if part of SJ's concern is lots of stuff in home going to time machine, that problem is not solved since scie-pants is a thin scie - ~7MB - so your tap does save that - but its in the noise since that expands to ~50MB under the home dir in
when it fetches things. And that gets continually worse with each Pants version installed / used for the repos cloned on the machine.
If that's a real concern, the tap should change the location of the SCIE_BASE to something in the brew-controlled dirs (
? - I don't know brew).
Ah… I’m not well versed in the brew possibilities here either.. regardless of where it lives, it would be nice with an easy way to clean it up once in a while.. (or for old/unused versions)
Yeah, so you two have alot of talking to do.
👍 1
If scie-jump (most likely) support is needed for any of this, let me know.
Anything with
usually gets relegated to no-backup. By home dir, I mean
, and 53 other dot folders in my home dir that aren't related to zsh or ssh. 🤦‍♂️
Reason for all this is the same as not wanting to do unnecessary CIs. Just more processor, storage, and network churn for zero value.
Aha, gotcha. I know you like using brew - so not touching that. But is ~/bin free from backup / even on your PATH? That's where scie-pants installs to by default if you use the script.
Oh, I haven't used that yet - been just grabbing GH binaries
I'm fine with it all, but I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here perhaps... The more ways there are to install this the more ways there are for something to go wrong
This is the whole curl script thing you don't want to use. I'm just gauging if ~/bin is a thing for homebrew devotees.
@happy-kitchen-89482 I'm personally not going to get in the way of contribs of packages.
Never used
before - homebrew I think defaults to
We don;t need to advertise - or something
A home dir bin
Sorry, typo - I meant tilde
Ok. That's pretty common across unix OS's but clearly not pervasive. Good to know.
I guess I put them in the same place on Mac as on linux, now that I think about it
I put my custom personal scripts there
So SJ do you got to the extreme of brew-ifying your personal scripts? I knew a guy who did that for arch / PKGBUILD.
Nah, I can't go that far. I have a
repo (quality of life) , which I pull down - and that's linked by my zsh scripts or whatever. So for mac, one source of data, and I just need to copy the main zshrc over on a new computer
And so you add <some clone dir>/bin to your PATH instead of ~/bin
Yeah, in my development directory, which houses all the things basically.
OT: I use MacPorts instead of homebrew. Ideally I would be able to use gentoo prefix on my Mac, but I haven’t had time to fix that project yet. 🤷
oh, what’s gentoo prefix? haven’t played with gentoo since… 2006 maybe 😁 so I know about
I think the package manager was called..?
but I still have fond memories of that time 🙂
My personal laptop is gentoo. I’ve been running gentoo since… I don’t know, maybe 2001-2002?
gentoo-prefix allows installing gentoo under a prefix, ideally without requiring root.
So, I can have gentoo on any mac or other non-gentoo linux system… But the mac stuff has been a bit broken.
wait what… you’d get a linux box on Mac with that!?
that would be awesomeness complete 😄
guess there’ll be some caveats for low level kernel stuff…?
👍 1
Gentoo can run (or used to be able to run, not sure if it still does) with a FreeBSD kernel. It’s an os-agnostic os.
🤯 1
oh, how did I not know that… 😮
will have to do some reasearch 🙂
Some ebuilds need changes to handle building packages in different environments. But, anyway, I’m a gentoo fan 😄
I really like it too, although not used it for ages… this makes me wanna spin it up again
So, when looking at prior art for how to cross-compile stuff, Gentoo has been doing that for a long time. Cross compilation, compiling for multiple kernels, building all sorts of languages from source with many different toolchains … A lot of it is probably out-of-scope for pants, but it can definitely provide inspiration and prior-art.
@happy-kitchen-89482 If we do this rename, the install incantation would become:
Copy code
brew install pantsbuild/tap/pants
To me, reads slightly better to not have 3 “pants” in the name..;cid=C0D7TNJHL
I don't understand what needs renaming?
the github repo
I'd be open to
brew install pantsbuild/pannnnnnnttttttttssssss
for clarity
😂 1
pantsbuild/homebrew-pants -> pantsbuild/homebrew-tap (for instance.. unless you have a better suggestion)
for the
brew install pantsbuild/tap/pants
(which is a shortcut for
brew install pantsbuild/homebrew-tap/pants
Oh I see. Totally fine with that!
seems like a fine name for a repo
question is if we want
there, or
or are we fine with double pants..?
is fine, this is a homebrew specific thing right?
pantsbuild/tap/pants seems like a great name then
👍 1
👍 1
🎉 1
There’s now a brew tap for installing Pants on MacOS:
Copy code
brew install pantsbuild/tap/pants
🎉 5
Hey @curved-television-6568 I did the docker thing and after installing brew via the Homebrew instructions - it works, i.e.:
Copy code
jsirois@4f808a930e7c:~$ brew install ascii
==> Fetching ascii
==> Downloading <>
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading <>
==> Downloading from <>
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ascii--3.18.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/ascii/3.18: 7 files, 82.2KB
==> Running `brew cleanup ascii`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
jsirois@4f808a930e7c:~$ ascii
Usage: ascii [-adxohv] [-t] [char-alias...]
   -t = one-line output  -a = vertical format
   -d = Decimal table  -o = octal table  -x = hex table  -b binary table
   -h = This help screen -v = version information
Prints all aliases of an ASCII character. Args may be chars, C \-escapes,
English names, ^-escapes, ASCII mnemonics, or numerics in decimal/octal/hex.

Dec Hex    Dec Hex    Dec Hex  Dec Hex  Dec Hex  Dec Hex   Dec Hex   Dec Hex
  0 00 NUL  16 10 DLE  32 20    48 30 0  64 40 @  80 50 P   96 60 `  112 70 p
  1 01 SOH  17 11 DC1  33 21 !  49 31 1  65 41 A  81 51 Q   97 61 a  113 71 q
  2 02 STX  18 12 DC2  34 22 "  50 32 2  66 42 B  82 52 R   98 62 b  114 72 r
  3 03 ETX  19 13 DC3  35 23 #  51 33 3  67 43 C  83 53 S   99 63 c  115 73 s
  4 04 EOT  20 14 DC4  36 24 $  52 34 4  68 44 D  84 54 T  100 64 d  116 74 t
  5 05 ENQ  21 15 NAK  37 25 %  53 35 5  69 45 E  85 55 U  101 65 e  117 75 u
  6 06 ACK  22 16 SYN  38 26 &  54 36 6  70 46 F  86 56 V  102 66 f  118 76 v
  7 07 BEL  23 17 ETB  39 27 '  55 37 7  71 47 G  87 57 W  103 67 g  119 77 w
  8 08 BS   24 18 CAN  40 28 (  56 38 8  72 48 H  88 58 X  104 68 h  120 78 x
  9 09 HT   25 19 EM   41 29 )  57 39 9  73 49 I  89 59 Y  105 69 i  121 79 y
 10 0A LF   26 1A SUB  42 2A *  58 3A :  74 4A J  90 5A Z  106 6A j  122 7A z
 11 0B VT   27 1B ESC  43 2B +  59 3B ;  75 4B K  91 5B [  107 6B k  123 7B {
 12 0C FF   28 1C FS   44 2C ,  60 3C <  76 4C L  92 5C \  108 6C l  124 7C |
 13 0D CR   29 1D GS   45 2D -  61 3D =  77 4D M  93 5D ]  109 6D m  125 7D }
 14 0E SO   30 1E RS   46 2E .  62 3E >  78 4E N  94 5E ^  110 6E n  126 7E ~
 15 0F SI   31 1F US   47 2F /  63 3F ?  79 4F O  95 5F _  111 6F o  127 7F DEL
But for pants I get:
Copy code
jsirois@4f808a930e7c:~$ brew install pantsbuild/tap/pants
Warning: No available formula with the name "pantsbuild/tap/pants".
Is there any special setup needed to have things like this work you're aware of?
Ah.. hmm. no. only thing that comes to mind to try is
brew install --cask pantsbuild/tap/pants
failing that, maybe casks isn’t supported on Linux.. only source formulas..? 😬 (or I’m missing something, haven’t read up on this too much, just noticed linux references floating around while digging into this)
Aha, ok - that helped:
Copy code
jsirois@4f808a930e7c:~$ brew install --cask pantsbuild/tap/pants
Error: Invalid `--cask` usage: Casks do not work on Linux
So maybe this is a no-go for Linux brew users. Which is probably fine. Those are probably few.
yea, good to know. Thanks for checking 🙏
They assume the binary will be a Mac binary AFAICT and deny based on that. Seems a bit off to me, but there you go.
yea… I’m in the camp now of brew being crazy.. 😉
I will say I found this hilarious - look ~familiar @wide-midnight-78598?:
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/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
🤣 1
🥹 1
That's the official Linux install.
gotta start somewhere…
Hurts my soul.