Why does it takes so long to run pants test itself...
# development
Why does it takes so long to run pants test itself? It’s still running
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./pants --changed-since=8553e8cbc5a1d9da3f84dcfc5e7bf3139847fb5f test 
208.41s Run Pytest for src/python/pants/backend/python/goals/coverage_py_integration_test.py:tests
Failed after 279 seconds !
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FAILED src/python/pants/backend/python/goals/coverage_py_integration_test.py::test_coverage_filter_issue_18053
============= 1 failed, 15 passed, 2 skipped in 279.01s (0:04:39) ==============
Filtering to the single test makes it faster. So I guess it’s just these 15 existing tests are slow
Yes, there are quite a few very slow integration test long polls in the repo. This has been true for at least a few years.