has anyone run across an error like this before? `...
# development
has anyone run across an error like this before?
Copy code
The virtualenv at /home/color/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/499e7af10646cae90c3309114f8afb20270ce346/6907946b76533282134681624b0b55433bbbaeff.lck.work is not valid. No site-packages directory was found in its sys.path:
we just hit it in CI for the first time. wondering if it’s another mysterious non-atomic locking issue like the error we’ve been chasing @enough-analyst-54434
~impossible to tell. I will note that - don't have the issue at hand - there are now a growing list of folks for whom that issue is solved by the lock style bsd fix. I think it's ~6 to 1 now. Your case of that is truly mysterious. I would love to figure it out.
hmmm ok