what are the new features in 2.15? (I'm trying to ...
# development
what are the new features in 2.15? (I'm trying to write a What's New section for the 2.15 release notes.) Details in the thread.
Copy code
Pants 2.15 brings support for several new features:

- Environments 
  - `docker_environment` support which can run build actions within a Docker container.
- New goal: `fix` goal 
- New backends: OpenAPI
- Changes to existing backends:
  - Go: Minor changes:
    - Support multiple `go_mod` targets in same repository.
    - Prepend $GOROOT/bin to `PATH` for tests to enable tests to access the `go` for the toolchain in use.
    - Add `go-generate` goal to run `go generate` on a package.
    - Add golangci-lint lint support.
    - Teach tailor about cgo.
- Plugin API changes:
  - Formatters
    - The schema used for formatters and linters to allow for formatters that do not require a target to operate.
  - Synthetic Targets
    - Plugins can now add "synthetic targets" to the build graph to create freestanding targets programmatically. (These synthetic targets can also be generator targets to create generated targets.)
  - Batched Tests
    - The `test` goal API has been updated to support explicit batching of tests.
Anything else?
(The list is not fully written. Just collecting the general feature list first.)
cc @ancient-vegetable-10556 who is doing the blog post
👍 1
@fast-nail-55400 We also introduced
for adjusting settings for different platforms, and
, even though they don’t add new places to run things under teh hood