raising here since I’m not sure who’s seen <https:...
# development
raising here since I’m not sure who’s seen https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/17856 we keep bumping into problems with old dependencies (that can’t be updated for Reasons™️). we’ve already isolated those deps in their own resolves, but we don’t have a good way to exclude those resolves at CI time. discussion in the issue suggests there’s some desire for generic filter-by-field functionality, which would solve this issue but seems like it needs a lot of design work. as a short-term, python-specific alternative I had the idea of introducing a new field to the
subsystem. something like:
Copy code
scientific = ["intel-only"]
legacy = ["intel-only", "py36-only"]
to have tags auto-apply to all targets in a given resolve. this would solve our problem because once the tags are in place, we can filter on them using existing mechanisms. what do people think? I can try to knock it out if there are no objections 🧵
starting thread for discussion
How does this interact with parametrization? I assume if a target is parameterized on resolve this only applies to the instance with that parameter?
That would solve the issue in #17856
yes exactly, only the target in the resolve would get the tag
AFAIK it’s not currently possible to achieve that by setting
directly on a target that parametrizes resolve
Yeah, because we'd apply the tag to all the parametrizations I assume