Rust is moving away from Travis after all the outa...
# random
Rust is moving away from Travis after all the outages this past year
People seem to be happy with Azure Pipelines. I think ReasonML recently migrated to that With Microsoft owning both that and GitHub, maybe the interop will get better over time
yeah seems promising. pricing is lower as well. we are paying travis $400 a month for total 15 workers. With MS pipeline, it would be $200
10 Free Parallel jobs with unlimited minutes per month 1 Free Parallel job with up to 1,800 minutes per month
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Although the additional worker isn't unlimited
Or we can have 10 free from MS and 5 free from Travis. rollsafe
I’m not sure how the budget works. Would we use that money for other purposes or ask contributing companies for less money?
I reckon the cost wouldn’t be significantly different. As long as the service is good, we (pantsbuild org) can be rather flexible
We could also use same amount for more workers
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Agreed. More workers would be great - CI gets pretty backlogged during the middle of the day
We’ve had good experiences with CircleCI btw
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But also, Stu would say and I would concur, we should aim to be remoting things like crazy anyway.
@happy-kitchen-89482: hah, yea. i did, in the #infra room