New language from Microsoft. “It’s inspired by the...
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New language from Microsoft. “It’s inspired by the syntax of TypeScript, the semantics of ML and Node.js.”
I'm seeing a lot of hype around Bosque. But it seems like most of it is: "New Language From Microsoft". None of the articles are really painting a picture as to what sets Bosque apart.
Typed strings is kinda cool, but I feel like that exists in some form or other elsewhere ?
It looks barely implemented
Right! I mean, the more (languages) the merrier. But I feel like people are jumping onto this way to early ?
I mean, the more (languages) the merrier.
Eh not sure I even agree with that. I’d rather see them contribute more to existing languages, unless like you say there’s a compelling reason those languages’ foundations aren’t good enough that we need to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel for 3rd party libraries, documentation, etc.
Very, but there is something to be said with implementing novel ideas and sometimes established languages are not the right place for that.
👌 1
That said I would love for said novel features to trickle back into more established languages as they've been battle tested in more experimental languages.
❤️ 1