Hi everyone! I'm the new Head of Developer Relatio...
# random
Hi everyone! I'm the new Head of Developer Relations at Toolchain. We will figure out something nifty swagwise to propose to Pants community for consideration. Other than shirts, what alternative swagwear would excite you? Socks? Other? No promises, but I'd love to benefit from your creative thinking.
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A high quality tote bag
I like the socks idea
@hundreds-father-404 Over-the-shoulder? Or over both shoulders, like a backpack does?
@hundreds-breakfast-49010 Being able to say "Do you have pants socks yet?" amuses me so much.
over-the-shoulder, but with longer handles than the typical $1 grocery store ones. That you can put it on your shoulder without having to hold the bottom I use some good tote bags for groceries (I bike and put them in a basket), but that'd be fun to have Pants ones instead.
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Box bottom?
actual pants 😛
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Box bottom?
Ideally not, those are harder to fit in a bike basket because they're less amorphous. (Although, we prob shouldn't solely optimize for me and my bike hah)
Other people grocery shop. I think we're okay to assume.
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We have been joking around how we have been putting pants on microservices
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it has been hilarious
a cap
Trying to think of things you can wear on zoom and that would be visual in a pandemic world
@loud-stone-83419 No doubt! I would love to be able to do that. Toolchain is a small startup, so we likely couldn't subsidize Pants pants at scale. But it's possible to do such things as a Pants Store where folks could buy their own.
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Good point!
It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Maybe Pants mittens...?
Mittens are unlikely to show up on Zoom, though. Hmm.
If it's possible to have youth sizes for the t-shirts that would be great. Youth M is the best alternative to womens S/XS
and some kids out there might wanna rep pants who knows
Mittens are unlikely to show up on Zoom, though. Hmm.
Personally, I'd never use this because I like my gloves having touch capacity to still use my phone. (In the frigid 45 F mornings we have here in AZ 😂)
I know of some colleagues who've discovered that people also like toddler/child size shirts on their dog.
My favorite, though niche, are swag onesies. Pants pre-pants.
@witty-librarian-41719 I am firm believer in sizing shirts for inclusivity. :-) http://cczona.com/unisex-swag-shirts-are-harming-your-community/
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for the zoom, having Pants background gifs would work.
mom pants
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The one I use ☝🏽 is a little distracting and doesn't really look like 👖
stickers would be great. I got room on my 🚲 ride for a couple
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