Hey everyone! I’m new to pants and I would like to...
# general
Hey everyone! I’m new to pants and I would like to use it in a monorepo that also contains rust code. On the website I see that pants dosen’t support rust yet. Are there any plans to add support for rust in the near future?
I know a lot of people are interested in adding support, but I’m not sure anyone’s scheduled any time to do so…
@witty-crayon-22786 and @aloof-angle-91616 are the two who jump to mind
The new Pants engine is written in Rust, so there’s “political” impetus for Rust support on that front, but it’s not on any roadmap yet.
yea. bit of an ouroboros.
i think that we should consider diving in on that once we can call P^3 "finished" (which... is honestly not far off)
there's this which i'm planning to get back to once the new ci maneuvers settle in https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/6891
if we can dive into it for real all the better