haven't gone to deep into it, but unless they upda...
# general
haven't gone to deep into it, but unless they update their deps and do a patch release for a version <= 3.7, from my understanding that would have to be done
when the patch release is done it looks like that could be set in pants.ini
oh, you're saying unless they do that
are you thinking patch release for pants to set the extra dep or patch in pytest (less optimistic about them going back to that old of a release)
ya I am doubtful they are going to patch something all the way back to 3.6.x
yes, sorry. it is definitely possible to patch pants to support requirement lists for pytest, but there may be a more appropriate way, i asked john in https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1549993649010100
we would probably also patch pants with the fix as our own pytests are failing too