What do we do about "requests.exceptions.HTTPError...
# general
What do we do about "requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://pants-remoting-beta.appspot.com/token/generate" leading to "Failed to generate a token for remote build execution." on the unittest CI shard? This happens consistently
Check the google app engine logs in google cloud console. This means the token generator server is not working properly for some reason
Ohhhh check that the IP list is identical to the one Travis lists. Google “Travis IP address” for the list and spot check that it’s the same as what’s in the firewall config for google app engine
Will do, although of course now it did go through (and errored on something else). Maybe I happened to land on a good IP.
Last time the IP address was the issue. They seem to change them every two months. I’m supposed to get emails and I also signed up pantsbuild@gmail.com. Alas
Not sure what else it could be. No one has touched the server or CI code in two weeks
Yep, IP update fixed it
❤️ 1
...oh! @happy-kitchen-89482: no email from them on it?
no email?
i didn't see an email about the change... that's frustrating
thanks for looking.
not in spam either. sigh
will try to re-add us. and maybe the committers list as well
Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 2.45.43 PM.png
Oh I see, no I didn't see one
sonofa. they won't let us add
either. "address looks fake or invalid"
...and in fact, i am also subscribed with my work address. i think that they just didn't notify.
Yeah I think they didn’t notify 🤦‍♂️
sidenote: we did get some estimates from them for 5 and 10 workers, but there were some definite oddities that i'm following up on before sharing them
an unexplained $1k lineitem, and no reference to our OSS status/discount/whatever
Didn’t travis get bought by private equity recently?
And they did some “streamlining”
Copy code
One of Idera's products, Kiuwan, competes directly against Travis CI as a continuous integration (CI) tool but, unlike Travis CI, has no OSS free option. Idera does not provides public pricing for Kiuwan inviting you instead to discuss options with a salesperson.
Idera is who bought them
but, travis still says: "Free for OSS": https://travis-ci.com/plans
Not sure how it will effect travis but it def seems like there will be changes.
we have been preparing
(much thanks to Eric)
Preparing for what? a change to another CI platform?
reducing our reliance on Travis by remoting more
the more we reify into pants (ideally, but wrapper scripts help too) the less tied to travis we are
eric moved us from 3 unit test shards and 15+ integration test shards to 1 unit and 6 integration tests
👍 1
if you imagine exactly one CI shard running one instance of pants to control M tests running across N remote platforms, that is super portable in terms of where it runs (can run from your laptop, for example)
can use the free tier for the top and only pay for RBE, etc
Henry, for context, the main blocker to only 1 IT shard is some JVM ITs that are particularly costly when run with V2 (likely due to a cold cache every test, at least as a factor)
integration test caches are definitely a thing. i think that we might have an easy dumb answer (some manual curation of our RBE docker image), but what a nicer answer looks like is unclear
it feels related to caching for pex/coursier as well.
Just to be clear, I wasn’t trying to diminish anything thats been done! The CI improvements have been fantastic. I was just curious what you meant by preparing 🙂
your multi-platform process execution stuff is in the preparation bucket too.
Ah didn’t interpret it that way at all! Thanks for clarifying that, though :)
Okay good! Makes sense about the ITs