Question number 2 is: requirements.txt/constraints...
# general
Question number 2 is: requirements.txt/constraints.txt contains packages which in total add up to 5GB which is a bit too dangerous for /tmp/ is there a way this can be configured? I tried setting
Copy code
local_execution_root_dir = '...'
but this doesn't change
in the command above
Check out Also, make sure you have set up a constraints.txt file. This is super important for performance to avoid resolving requirements more than one time.
Also woah to 5 GB. Do you know what’s causing it to be so huge?
Oh wait sorry, saw you already tried that option. Hm
Yes, I have a constraints.txt.
There are just many many packages
first thing i need to sort is installing packages from the internal source, but I anticipated this as the next problem
on the big monorepo everyone uses the same giant virtual environment
That's actually how I started using bazel. A requirement in the giant virtual environment was missing an extra (pip install pkg[extra]) and functions in a totally unrelated library were entering an infinite loop 🙈
@acceptable-guitar-79854 re the OP - there is currently no workaround for setting
but I've filed a bug here to track a fix:
Thank you @enough-analyst-54434, as i said in a different thread, i really appreciate your efforts. you guys do a top job!! there is no pressure from my part. thanks again
No worries. I have a very strange work schedule and this is a weekday for me.
💪 1
thank you @hundreds-father-404 and @enough-analyst-54434
❤️ 1