I bet a bunch of people have already asked, but is...
# general
I bet a bunch of people have already asked, but is there a docker/docker-compose plugin in the works that I can help with? Big fan of pants so far!
Hey Liam, welcome! Glad to have you. Indeed, Docker support is one of the most requested features. Tracked by https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/2648. It was voted relatively highly in a recent round of community voting we did on what people would like the contributors to focus on One of the most helpful things would be adding your use case to https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/2648. Docker support seems to mean something different to each person, and pinpointing down what that first class support looks like will be a challenge
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Also check out https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C01CQHVDMMW/p1604541653004100. A user named Josh was generous to share the docker plugin he recently wrote for his org, which leverages the
goal to build images We’re happy to help with adapting that to your needs until we add first-class support. See https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/plugins-overview for the plugin docs and how you’d get this set up.
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Thanks @hundreds-father-404!
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