When running `./pants test ::` is there anyway to ...
# general
When running
./pants test ::
is there anyway to ensure that a given test gets run first? I have a very slow tests that I would like to ensure is in the first batch. I think it could speed up my test sweet since it runs long after every other test.
there is not currently, but that is a very good idea.
do you have
python_test(.., timeout=..)
values set for those?
Could test tags be used for this?
(have not read or used)
And of course this assumes all tests are python. 🤔
I don't have a timeout set since we have some pretty long tests which we are working on cleaning up.
@jolly-midnight-72759: yea. it also assumes that they’re all running in the same process,
They are python tests, but it's an entire target that is slow. My assumption was pants was creating processes for each test invokation
if the tests had
values configured, we could run them from longest to shortest… without those we’d have to have some “memory” of how long they took
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but worth doing most likely.
I could figure out a timeout that worked for my test since the timeout could be arbitrarily large.
that way is a cool idea
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Stu, do we then order the await MultiGet in the order we want?
I don't think that that would guarantee it... I think we would need to fiddle a bit deeper, and probably adjust AsyncSemaphore to have a notion of priority
because all sorts of io might happen immediately below the MultiGet and before we actually wait on the AsyncSemaphore for a slot to run
so… yea, i think that it might look like forking tokio’s Semaphore, and swapping out the internal list for a priority queue, basically
it’s possible that they’d accept a patch for it.
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