How can I make pylint run in parallel with pants? ...
# general
How can I make pylint run in parallel with pants? It looks like it is running only one pylint job. I could add
to args, but I think pants would do better at choosing the number of jobs.
Interesting question - indeed, Pants runs each linter in parallel, but the individual linters runs are not @witty-crayon-22786 thoughts if this is something Pants could/would want to automate? I imagine your thought would be that we should improve
, which gives parallelization and fine grained caching (but has substantially worse cold performance last time I checked) In the meantime, yeah, I think using
. Are you running Pylint with other linters?
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Yes. But black and flake8 finish on a fraction of the time that pylint takes.
But yea, in the meantime we might want to expose an explicit option
It'd be great to figure out #9964. Jacob does have a point, Pylint is pretty dang painful - it's substantially slower than all other formatters in Toolchain's repo too
On the note of pylint, I read this blog and wonder if you agree? I feel he may have a valid point, that other linters and typecheckers may give just as good coverage as pylint when used together, and I too have experienced how much effort it is to make pylint happy (esp. when introducing to an existing code base where it has not been a guiding star from the start)
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